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- Kino nomi: Gangsterlar ovchisi
- Joylandi: 16.10.2022
- Sifat: SD
- Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)
Kino tavsifi
Los-Anjeles, 1949 yil Bruklinda tug'ilgan, zo'ravon to'da rahbari Mikki Koen shaharni qattiq nazorat qiladi, giyohvand moddalar savdosi, qurol-yarog' va fohishalikdan iflos pul yig'adi va agar hammasi yaxshi bo'lsa, Chikagoning g'arbiy qismida hech qanday sichqonchani uning bilmaganisiz chiyillashi mumkin emas. Uni nafaqat o'z bezorilari, balki politsiya va siyosatchilar ham himoya qiladi. Bu hatto eng jasur, ko'chada qattiqqo'l politsiyachilarni qo'rqitish uchun etarli... Los-Anjeles politsiya departamentining serjant boshchiligidagi kichik maxfiy guruhidan tashqari.
Лос-Анджелес, 1949 год. Уроженец Бруклина, жестокий главарь банды Микки Коэн держит город в ежовых рукавицах, собирая «грязные» деньги от торговли наркотиками, оружием и проституции, и — если все пойдет, как надо, — к Западу от Чикаго мышь не пискнет без его ведома. Защищают его не только его же головорезы, но и находящиеся у него «на крючке» полиция и политики. Этого хватит, чтобы запугать даже самых смелых, закаленных улицей копов… кроме, пожалуй, небольшой тайной группы сотрудников полицейского департамента Лос-Анджелеса во главе с сержантом Джоном О’Мара и Джерри Вутерсом, которые объединились, чтобы попытаться уничтожить преступный мир Коэна.
Roles of actors:
1) Josh Brolin (John O'Mara)
2) Ryan Gosling (Sgt. Jerry Wooters)
3) Sean Penn (Mickey Cohen)
4) Nick Nolte (Bill Parker)
5) Emma Stone (Grace Faraday)
6) Anthony Mackie (Coleman Harris)
7) Giovanni Ribisi (Conway Keeler)
8) Robert Patrick (Max Kennard)
9) Michael Peña (Navidad Ramirez)
10) Mireille Enos (Connie O'Mara)
11) Troy Garity (Wrevock)
12) Holt McCallany (Karl Lockwood)
13) Sullivan Stapleton (Jack Whalen)
14) James Carpinello (Johnny Stomp)
15) James Landry Hébert (Mitch Racine)
16) Evan Jones (Neddy Herbert)
17) Josh Pence (Darryl Gates)
18) John Aylward (Judge Carter)
19) Jack Conley (Sheriff Biscailuz)
20) Jack McGee (Lt. Quincannon)
21) Jon Polito (Dragna)
22) Austin Abrams (Pete)
23) Michael Bacall (Comanche)
24) Lance Barber (Comanche)
25) Scott Beehner (Club Figaro Reporter)
27) De'Aundre Bonds (Duke Del-Red)
28) Mac Brandt (Bruiser)
29) Ambyr Childers (Milk Skinned Blonde)
30) Dennis Cockrum (Elmer Jackson)
31) Maxwell Perry Cotton (Keeler's Son)
32) Jonny Coyne (Grimes)
33) Max Daniels (Jeffrey Clark)
34) Lucy Davenport (Slapsy Maxie's Singer)
36) Anthony De Longis (Burbank Jail Thug)
37) Christopher Doyle (Edgar Beaumont)
38) David Fleischer (City Hall Reporter)
39) Lucas Fleischer (Club Figaro Reporter)
41) Dale Gibson (Burbank Cop)
42) Derek Graf (El Dorado Guard)
43) Tom Hallick (El Dorado Investor)
44) Don Harvey (Officer Funston)
45) Austin Highsmith (Patty)
46) Matt Knudsen (Club Figaro Reporter)
47) Anne Leighton (Crying Woman)
48) Neil Koppel (Max Solomon)
49) Michael C. Mahon (Citz Hall Reporter)
51) Derek Mears (Bridge Goon)
52) Cazimir Milostan (Desk Officer)
53) Brandon Molale (Jimmy 'Bockscar' Knox)
54) Anthony Molinari (Lorenzo Molinari)
55) Michael Owen (Burbank Jail Thug)
56) Riel Paley (City Hall Reporter)
57) Michael Papajohn (Mike 'The Flea')
58) Esther Scott (Letty)
59) Haley Strode (Keeler's Wife)
60) Yvette Tucker (Carmen Miranda)
61) Wade Williams (Rourke)
62) Jeff Wolfe (Giovanni Vacarezza)
64) Eboni 'Chrystal' Adams (Dancer)
65) Nadyla Blakemore (Dancer)
66) Mandy Coulton (Dancer)
67) Michelle Current (Dancer)
68) Tiffany Daniels (Dancer)
69) Monifa Ellis (Dancer)
70) Hilary Fleming (Dancer)
71) Scott Fowler (Dancer)
72) Melanie Gage (Dancer)
73) Asiel Hardison (Dancer)
74) Michael Higgins (Dancer)
75) Scott Hislop (Dancer)
76) Jermaine Johnson (Dancer)
77) Eva La Dare (Dancer)
78) Stephanie Landwehr (Dancer)
79) Tina Mayer (Dancer)
80) Marcy McCusker (Dancer)
81) Jacoby Mosby (Dancer)
82) Chris Moss (Dancer)
83) Jared Murillo (Dancer)
84) Alycia M. Perrin (Dancer)
85) Henry Chopper Platt (Dancer)
86) Chandrae Rottig (Dancer)
87) Dougie Styles (Dancer)
88) Stephen Sayer (Dancer)
89) Kelleia Sheerin (Dancer)
90) Brett Sturgis (Dancer)
91) Kevin James Sporman (Dancer)
92) April Marie Thomas (Dancer)
93) Forrest Walsh (Dancer)
94) Lizzy Watts (Dancer)
95) Charles Wiggins III (Dancer)
96) Jason Williams (Dancer)
97) Christopher Aber (Reporter (uncredited))
98) Pamela Adamic (Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited))
99) Michael Arturo (Dealer (uncredited))
100) Kojo Asiedu (Bar Patron (uncredited))
101) Robert T. Barrett (LAPD Cop (uncredited))
102) Bill Blair (Casino Gambler (uncredited))
103) Bob Bouchard (Movie Patron (uncredited))
104) Freedom Bridgewater (Bartender (uncredited))
105) Matt Callahan (Chinatown Shopper (uncredited))
106) Greg Cannone (Slapy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited))
107) Pamela Cedar (Gambler (uncredited))
108) Michael Jay Copeland (Water pitcher waiter (uncredited))
109) Clint Corley (Man at Union Station (uncredited))
110) Eddie Davenport (Goon Gunman (uncredited))
111) Seth Di Marco (Goon (uncredited))
112) Isabel Dresden (Hedy Lamarr (uncredited))
113) John R. Duncan (Club Patron (uncredited))
114) Jeremy Dunn (Gangster (uncredited))
115) Ken Edling (Detective (uncredited))
116) Chelsea Edmundson (Cigarette Girl (uncredited))
117) Gray Ellis (Bar Patron (uncredited))
118) Cathy Fielding (Bookmakers' Secretary (uncredited))
119) Paige Flannery (Club Patron (uncredited))
120) Marilyn Foley (Chinatown Shopper (uncredited))
121) Leni Ford (Rich Widow (uncredited))
122) Kristin Gagliardi (Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited))
123) Gill Gard (Slapsy Maxie's Doorman (uncredited))
124) Nancy Gassner-Clayton (Caroler (uncredited))
125) Debby Gerber (Plaza Runner (uncredited))
128) Sly Green (Club Patron (uncredited))
129) Louise Griffiths (Screaming Woman (uncredited))
130) Frank Grillo (Russo (uncredited))
131) Marie Grujicic-Delage (Fluzzy (uncredited))
132) Rebecca Hancock (Club Patron (uncredited))
134) Steve Hernandez (Carmen Miranda Drummer (uncredited))
135) Rebecca Honett (Cigarette Girl (uncredited))
136) Todd Honeycutt (Caroler (uncredited))
137) Courtney Howard (Club Patron (uncredited))
138) Elizabeth Howell (Lady of the Night (uncredited))
139) Valerie Humbard (Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited))
140) WBBrown II (LAPD (uncredited))
141) Chris Jackson (Bar Patron (uncredited))
142) Pat Jankiewicz (Nico (uncredited))
143) David Johnson (Club Patron (uncredited))
144) Sergio Kato (Officer Lane (uncredited))
145) Faye Kelly (Business Woman (uncredited))
146) Kristen Marie Kelly (Girl at Nightclub (uncredited))
148) John William King (Casino Cowboy (uncredited))
149) Olivia Ku (Suzie Wang (uncredited))
150) Elaine Lockhart (Bar Patron (uncredited))
151) Amy Mader (Chinatown Shopper (uncredited))
152) Oscar Magana Jr. (Funeral Mourner (uncredited))
153) Marlene Manes (Gangster Girl (uncredited))
154) Nancy McCrumb (Betty Page (uncredited))
155) Mason McCulley (Caroler (uncredited))
156) Michael Lee Merrins (#1 Uniformed Officer (uncredited))
157) Daniel Muller (Club Patron (uncredited))
158) Kat Munday (Drugged Out Girl #2)
159) Jim J. Mundy (Club Patron (uncredited))
160) Nino Nava (Pilgrim (uncredited))
161) Stephane Nicoli (LAPD Officer (uncredited))
162) Michael Ouellette (Detective (uncredited))
163) Veronica Parks (Christmas Lady (uncredited))
164) Don Pecchia (Mob Boss (uncredited))
165) Erin Pickett (Switchboard Operator (uncredited))
166) Geoff Pilkington (Angry Guy in Park (uncredited))
167) Josh Polizzi (Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited))
168) Carolina Provvido (Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited))
169) Ron Pucillo (Waiter #4 (uncredited))
170) Robert Ratinoff (Vehicle Driver (uncredited))
171) Dani Renee (Young Mother (uncredited))
172) Kara C. Roberts (Slapsy Maxie (uncredited))
174) Bradley Sackin (Slapsy Maxie's Motorist (uncredited))
175) Tony Sagastizado I (Pilgrim (uncredited))
177) Meg Schaab (O'Malley Sister (uncredited))
178) Frank Scozzari (Mickey's Thug #1 (uncredited))
179) Robert Sisko (Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited))
180) Lauren K. Solomon (Casino Maid Marion (uncredited))
181) Scott St. Blaze (Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited))
182) Kate Stewart (Waitress (uncredited))
183) Nevan Stewart (Club Patron (uncredited))
184) Erica Stikeleather (Beautiful Woman (uncredited))
186) Sophia Strauss (Little Girl (uncredited))
187) Jennifer Thompson (Cigarette Girl (uncredited))
188) Levi Tinker (Grauman's Chinese Theater Patron (uncredited))
189) Christopher Tisa (Valet (uncredited))
190) John H. Tobin (Actor (uncredited))
191) Chris Toma (Club Patron (uncredited))
192) Alexis Toone (Tart (uncredited))
193) Amber Sharae Topsy (Sexy Woman (uncredited))
194) Holly Traister (Slapsy Maxie Patron (uncredited))
195) Lucy Walsh (Manicurist (uncredited))
196) Elyse Willis (Caroler (uncredited))
197) Kevin Young (Burn Victim (uncredited))
198) Melissa Anne Young (Beautiful Woman (uncredited))
People who worked on the film:
1) John Papsidera (Casting)
2) Dion Beebe (Director of Photography)
3) Bruce Berman (Executive Producer)
4) Gene Serdena (Set Decoration)
5) Mary Zophres (Costume Design)
6) Alan Baumgarten (Editor)
7) Maher Ahmad (Production Design)
8) Michael Tadross (Producer)
9) Steve Jablonsky (Original Music Composer)
10) Austin Gorg (Supervising Art Director)
11) Nancy Au (Costume Supervisor)
12) James Herbert (Editor)
13) Kevin McCormick (Producer)
14) Christien Tinsley (Makeup Department Head)
15) Dan Lin (Producer)
16) Bryan Belair (Construction Coordinator)
17) Brendan Beebe (Boom Operator)
18) Shelley Roden (Foley)
19) Dean A. Zupancic (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
20) Ruben Fleischer (Director)
21) Ruben Fleischer (Executive Producer)
22) John Skotchdopole (Camera Operator)
23) Sion Michel (Camera Operator)
24) Doug Coleman (Stunt Coordinator)
25) Kimberly Harris (ADR Editor)
26) Kent Harvey (Camera Operator)
27) Will Beall (Writer)
28) Chris Lombardi (Camera Operator)
29) Paul Lieberman (Executive Producer)
30) Paul Lieberman (Novel)
31) Jon Silk (Co-Producer)
32) Harold Parker (VFX Artist)
33) Christine Kim (First Assistant Editor)
34) John Joseph Thomas (Sound Effects Editor)
35) Edouard F. Henriques (Makeup Artist)
36) Hilda Hodges (Foley)
37) Rolf John Keppler (Makeup Artist)
38) Adam Milo Smalley (Music Editor)
39) Carol Kiefer (Art Department Coordinator)
40) Kerry Lyn McKissick (Script Supervisor)
41) David V. Butler (Dialogue Editor)
42) Lee Gilmore (Sound Effects Editor)
43) Christina Graff (Visual Effects Producer)
44) Paul Graff (Visual Effects Supervisor)
45) Magdalena Wolf (Visual Effects Producer)
46) Bruce Lomet (Digital Intermediate)
47) Les Hunter (Visual Effects Producer)
48) Brian Machleit (Stunt Coordinator)
49) Jon Taylor (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
50) Dan Levitan (Visual Effects Supervisor)
51) Ariel Velasco-Shaw (Visual Effects Supervisor)
52) Peter Rosenfeld (Steadicam Operator)
53) Gabriela Gutentag (Unit Publicist)
54) Robin Citrin (Location Manager)
55) Douglas Fox (Property Master)
56) Kim Santantonio (Hairstylist)
57) Jessica Gallavan (ADR Editor)
58) Bruce Tanis (Sound Effects Editor)
59) Jason W. Jennings (Sound Designer)
60) David A. Arnold (Dialogue Editor)
61) Fríða Aradóttir (Hairstylist)
62) Adam Kopald (Sound Effects Editor)
63) Teri E. Dorman (Dialogue Editor)
64) Norma Lee (Hairstylist)
65) Gerald Quist (Makeup Artist)
66) Jessica Goodwin (Dialogue Editor)
67) Cameron Frankley (Sound Designer)
68) Kimberley Spiteri (Hairstylist)
69) Timothy David O'Brien (Art Direction)
70) Roxane Griffin (Hairstylist)
71) Sacha Quarles (Hairstylist)
72) Iraina Crenshaw (Makeup Artist)
73) Joshua Borgese (Greensman)
74) David Hernandez (Greensman)
75) Neil David Pontecorvo (Greensman)
76) Steve Sickle (Greensman)
77) Wilson Webb (Still Photographer)
78) Bob Schneider (Digital Intermediate)
79) Dan Romero (Transportation Coordinator)
80) Patrick Mignano (Location Manager)
81) Heather Fielding (Studio Teachers)
82) Craig Branham (Stunts)
83) Scott Harber (Sound Mixer)
84) Eddie Thomas (Associate Producer)
85) Rory Koslow (Production Executive)
86) Mark Thomas (Associate Producer)
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