Kichkina monsterlar / Kichkina hayvonlar / Kichik mo'jiza

Kichkina monsterlar / Kichkina hayvonlar / Kichik mo'jiza uzbek tilida

Uzbek tilida online
IMDb: 6.3
1 Soat. 33 min.
  • Kino nomi: Kichkina monsterlar / Kichkina hayvonlar / Kichik mo'jiza
  • Joylandi: 21.07.2024
  • Sifat: HD
  • Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)

Kino tavsifi
Kichkina monsterlar / Kichkina hayvonlar / Kichik mo'jiza Ujas, Zombi film Uzbek tilida 2019 O'zbekcha tarjima kino Full HD tas-ix skachat - O'qituvchi bir guruh maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarni shahar tashqarisiga ekskursiyaga olib ketayotganida, mintaqada zombi virusi tarqaldi. O'zini qutqarish va mo'rt bolaning ruhiyatiga shikast etkazmaslik uchun ayol bolalarni bu zombi, qon va ichaklarning barchasi haqiqiy emasligiga va sodir bo'layotgan hamma narsa shunchaki o'yin ekanligiga ishontiradi. G'alati, lekin qiziqarli. O‘sha amaki esa darddan emas, quvonchdan qiyshaymoqda. Va u chayqalmaydi, lekin kuladi.
Воспитательница везёт группу дошколят за город на экскурсию, когда на местности происходит вспышка зомби-вируса. Чтобы спастись и не травмировать хрупкую детскую психику, женщина убеждает малышей, что все эти зомби, кровь, кишки — ненастоящие, а всё происходящее — просто игра. Странная, но весёлая. И вот тот дядя корчится не от боли, а от радости. И не корчится, а смеётся.

Roles of actors:
1) Lupita Nyong'o (Miss Caroline)

2) Alexander England (Dave)
3) Josh Gad (Teddy McGiggle)
4) Diesel La Torraca (Felix)
5) Kat Stewart (Tess)
6) Nadia Townsend (Sara)
7) Charlie Whitley (Max)
8) Chris Bunton (Shane)
9) Ava Caryofyllis (Beth)
10) Shia Hamby (Shia)
11) Kim Thien Doan (Kim)
12) Caliah Pinones (Caliah)
13) Vivienne Albany (Vivienne)
14) Marshall Napier (Army General)
15) Alan Dukes (Official #1)
16) Felix Williamson (Novak)
17) Maria Lewis (Carthy)
18) Adele Vuko (Mickey's Mum)
19) Kathryn Schuback (Jack's Mum)
20) Sarah Armanious (Sara's Friend)
21) Lincoln Younes (Private Bunton)
22) Henry Nixon (Security Guard #1)
23) Zindzi Okenyo (Security Guard #2)
24) David Sinclair-Smith (Drooling Hero Zombie)
25) Anthony Howes (Uniformed Zombie)
26) Shakila Zab (Zombie)
27) Jorja Travers-Smith (Zombie)
28) Yoav Grossman (Zombie)
29) Alistair Fawcus (Zombie)
30) Daniel Mendoza (Zombie)
31) Leah Trindall (Zombie)
32) Alison Rosetta (Zombie)
33) Andrew Middleweek (Zombie)

People who worked on the film:
1) Bruna Papandrea (Producer)
2) Piers Burbrook de Vere (Music)
3) Ilana Lazar (Production Manager)
4) Leon Krasenstein (Costume Design)
5) Barbara Gibbs (Line Producer)
6) Stevie Ray (Casting)
7) Keith Calder (Producer)
8) Abe Forsythe (Director)
9) Steve Hutensky (Producer)
10) Kimberly Hardin (Casting)
11) Sam Hobbs (Production Design)
12) Abe Forsythe (Writer)
13) Jodi Matterson (Producer)
14) Carlo Crescini (Art Direction)
15) Jessica Wu (Producer)
16) Kala Harrison (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
17) Nadine Terens (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
18) Amy Barber (Foley Mixer)
19) Nash Edgerton (Stunts)
20) Kyran Lynch (Stunts)
21) Gavin Kyle (Special Effects Assistant)
22) Emily James (Prosthetic Makeup Artist)
23) Alastair Murray (Prosthetic Makeup Artist)
24) Jonathan Bruce (Foley Artist)
25) Adam Kealy (Pyrotechnician)
26) Beth Mercieca (Assistant Makeup Artist)
27) Timothy Parsons (Stunt Double)
28) Teddy Blanks (Title Designer)
29) Katherine Brown (Makeup Designer)
30) Blake Lindsell (Stunts)
31) Jayce Attewell (Visual Effects Coordinator)
32) Aidan Gillett (Stunts)
33) Nikola Davis (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
34) Rick Lisle (Sound Effects Editor)
35) Alison Ingram (Visual Effects Producer)
36) Andrea Berchtold (Stunt Coordinator)
37) Colin Ware (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
38) Libby Villa (Sound Post Supervisor)
39) Georgie Blackwell (Stunts)
40) Rebecca Plunkett (Assistant Makeup Artist)
41) Lucy Woolfman (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
42) Simon Joseph (Key Makeup Artist)
43) Leah Trindall (Prosthetic Designer)
44) Richard McGrath (First Assistant Director)
45) Philip Partridge (Stunt Double)
46) Michelle Melville (Assistant Makeup Artist)
47) Akoya Tamada (Assistant Makeup Artist)
48) Betty Fotofili (Second Assistant Director)
49) Olga Miller (Stunts)
50) Glenn Suter (Stunt Coordinator)
51) Adam Johansen (Prosthetic Supervisor)
52) Kiana Beth Jones (Assistant Makeup Artist)
53) Nick Emond (Sound Recordist)
54) Wayne Pashley (Sound Designer)
55) Ivana Ciccone (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
56) Rachel Coenen (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
57) Andrew Miller (ADR Mixer)
58) Gemma Reynolds (Hair Designer)
59) Ben Parker (Foley Artist)
60) Fabian Sanjurjo (Sound Effects Editor)
61) Jason Hawkins (Visual Effects Supervisor)
62) Mike Duncan (Stunts)
63) Tony Lynch (Stunt Coordinator)
64) Peter Barta ("B" Camera Operator)
65) Peter Barta (Steadicam Operator)
66) James Bilich (Second Assistant "B" Camera)
67) Simon Cardwell (Still Photographer)
68) Matt Chang (Drone Operator)
69) David Elmes (First Assistant "B" Camera)
70) Pernilla Finne (First Assistant "A" Camera)
71) Josh Hamill (Key Grip)
72) Paul Hoad (Digital Imaging Technician)
73) Gabrielle Karney (Assistant Camera)
74) Ben King (Still Photographer)
75) Thomas Rolfe (Second Assistant "A" Camera)
76) Guy Strachan (Script Supervisor)
77) Drew Thompson (Editor)
78) Lachlan Milne (Director of Photography)