Ajdarho: Bryus Li hayoti uzbek tilida
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- Kino nomi: Ajdarho: Bryus Li hayoti
- Joylandi: 10.09.2022
- Sifat: HD
- Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)
Kino tavsifi
Sirli tarzda vafot etgan afsonaviy Bryus Li hayoti haqida biografik drama. Film Bryusning rafiqasi Linda Li Kolduellning xotiralari asosida suratga olingan. Lenta ijodkorlari Lini to‘siqlarni yengib o‘tuvchi, maqsad sari tinimsiz harakatlanuvchi shaxs sifatida ko‘rsatishga harakat qilishdi. Tasavvuf va voqelik bir-biri bilan chambarchas bog'langan va buyuk "kichkina ajdaho" Bryus Li nafaqat atrofdagi haqiqat bilan, balki uni ta'qib qilayotgan dahshatli tushlar iblisi bilan ham jangga kiradi.
Биографическая драма, рассказывающая о жизни легендарного Брюса Ли, погибшего таинственным образом. Фильм снят по воспоминаниям жены Брюса Линды Ли Колдуэлл. Создатели ленты попытались показать Ли как человека, преодолевающего препятствия, неуклонно идущего к цели. Мистика и реальность переплетаются друг с другом, и Брюс Ли, великий «маленький дракон», вступает в бой не только с окружающей действительностью, но и с демоном преследующих его кошмаров.
Roles of actors:
1) Jason Scott Lee (Bruce Lee)
2) Lauren Holly (Linda Lee)
3) Robert Wagner (Bill Krieger)
4) Michael Learned (Vivian Emery)
5) Nancy Kwan (Gussie Yang)
6) Lim Kay Tong (Philip Tan)
7) Ric Young (Bruce's Father)
8) Luoyong Wang (Yip Man)
9) Sterling Macer Jr (Jerome Sprout)
10) Sven-Ole Thorsen (The Demon)
11) Ong Soo Han (Luke Sun)
12) Eric Bruskotter (Joe Henderson)
13) Aki Aleong (Principal Elder)
14) Chao Li Chi (Elder)
15) Sam Hau (Young Bruce)
16) Iain M. Parker (Brandon Lee)
17) Michelle Tennant (Shannon Lee)
18) Clyde Kusatsu (History Teacher)
19) Alicia Tao (April Chun)
20) Kong Kwong-Keung (Mr. Ho)
21) Anthony Carpio (Chef)
22) Chan Tat-Kwong (Chef)
23) John Lacy (Nunnemacher)
24) Harry Stanback (Benny Sayles)
25) Michael Cudlitz (Tad Overton)
26) Forry Smith (Green Hornet)
27) Sean Stanek (Assistant Director)
28) Van Williams (Green Hornet Director)
29) Alan Eugster (Propman)
30) Paul Raci (Bad Guy)
31) Ed Parker Jr. (Ed Parker)
32) Shannon Lee (Party Singer)
33) Robert Garrett (Krieger's Butler)
34) Lala Sloatman (Sherry Schnell)
35) Fu Suk Han (Cha Cha Dancer)
36) Nick Brandon (Boatswain)
37) Louis Turenne (Maitre D')
38) Paul Mantee (Doctor)
39) Jonathan Penner (Studio Executive)
40) Jan Solomita (Heckler)
41) Shannon Uno (Heckler)
43) Pamela Holt (Head Cheerleader (uncredited))
44) Mark King (Boatswain (uncredited))
45) Johnny Mask (Party Dancer (uncredited))
46) John Cheung Ng-Long (Johnny Sun)
47) Johnny Cheung Wa (Chef)
People who worked on the film:
1) Philip Lee (Production Manager)
2) Janet Hirshenson (Casting)
3) Jane Jenkins (Casting)
4) Edward Khmara (Screenplay)
5) Carol Ramsey (Costume Design)
6) Raffaella De Laurentiis (Producer)
7) Raffaella De Laurentiis (Unit Production Manager)
8) Randy Edelman (Original Music Composer)
9) John Badham (Executive Producer)
10) Bob Ziembicki (Production Design)
11) Ted Berner (Art Direction)
12) Dayna Lee (Set Decoration)
13) Peter Amundson (Editor)
14) Rob Cohen (Screenplay)
15) Rob Cohen (Director)
16) David Eggby (Director of Photography)
17) Hester Hargett (Associate Producer)
18) Cal Bartlett (Stunt Coordinator)
19) Cal Bartlett (Martial Arts Choreographer)
20) Robert Clouse (Novel)
21) Wan Allen (Unit Manager)
22) Charles Wang (Associate Producer)
23) Rick Nathanson (Co-Producer)
24) Linda Lee Cadwell (Novel)
25) John Raffo (Screenplay)
26) Dan York (Executive Producer)
27) Steven Lambert (Stunt Coordinator)
28) Steven Lambert (Martial Arts Choreographer)
29) Merritt Yohnka (Stunt Coordinator)
30) Merritt Yohnka (Martial Arts Choreographer)
31) Fran Joseph (Stunt Coordinator)
32) Fran Joseph (Martial Arts Choreographer)
33) Fran Joseph (Action Director)
34) John Cheung Ng-Long (Stunt Coordinator)
35) John Cheung Ng-Long (Martial Arts Choreographer)
36) John Cheung Ng-Long (Action Director)
37) Deirdre Horgan (Script Supervisor)
38) Dan Perri (Title Designer)
39) Kelly Breidenbach (Associate Producer)
40) Susanna Griffith (Casting Assistant)
41) Mia Levinson (Casting Associate)
42) Clint Cadinha (Stunt Coordinator)
43) Clint Cadinha (Martial Arts Choreographer)
44) Clint Cadinha (Action Director)
45) Jerry Poteet (Stunt Coordinator)
46) Jerry Poteet (Martial Arts Choreographer)
47) Jerry Poteet (Action Director)
48) Dane Junod (Stunt Coordinator)
49) Dane Junod (Martial Arts Choreographer)
50) Dane Junod (Action Director)
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