O'smir bo'ri / Yosh bo'ri / Tungi bo'ri

O'smir bo'ri / Yosh bo'ri / Tungi bo'ri uzbek tilida

Uzbek tilida online
0 Soat. 0 min.
  • Kino nomi: O'smir bo'ri / Yosh bo'ri / Tungi bo'ri
  • Joylandi: 06.12.2022
  • Sifat: HD
  • Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)

Kino tavsifi
O'smir bo'ri / Yosh bo'ri / Tungi bo'ri Premyera Uzbek tilida O'zbekcha 2023 tarjima kino 4K Ultra UHD skachat Beacon Hillsda to'lin oy ko'tarildi va u bilan dahshatli yovuzlik paydo bo'ldi. Bo'rilar yana bir bor uvillashmoqda va tunda Banshi, Werecoyotes, Hellhounds, Kitsunes va boshqa har qanday shaklni o'zgartiruvchilarni qaytarishga chaqirmoqdalar. Ammo faqat Skott Makkol kabi o'spirin emas, balki hali ham Alfa bo'lgan bo'ri yangi ittifoqchilarni to'plashi va o'zlari duch kelgan eng kuchli va eng halokatli dushmanga qarshi kurashish uchun ishonchli do'stlarini birlashtira oladi.
A full moon rises in Beacon Hills, and with it a terrifying evil has emerged. The wolves are howling once again, calling for the return of Banshees, Werecoyotes, Hellhounds, Kitsunes, and every other shapeshifter in the night. But only a Werewolf like Scott McCall, no longer a teenager yet still an Alpha, can gather both new allies and reunite trusted friends to fight back against what could be the most powerful and deadliest enemy they’ve ever faced.

Roles of actors:
1) Tyler Posey (Scott McCall)
2) Crystal Reed (Allison Argent)
3) Holland Roden (Lydia Martin)
4) Shelley Hennig (Malia Tate)
5) JR Bourne (Chris Argent)
6) Colton Haynes (Jackson Whittemore)
7) Melissa Ponzio (Melissa McCall)
8) Ian Bohen (Peter Hale)
9) Orny Adams (Coach Bobby Finstock)
10) Dylan Sprayberry (Liam Dunbar)
11) Seth Gilliam (Dr. Alan Deaton)
12) Vince Mattis (Eli Hale)
13) Khylin Rhambo (Mason Hewitt)
14) Tyler Hoechlin (Derek Hale)
15) Linden Ashby (Sheriff Noah Stilinski)
16) Ryan Kelley (Deputy Jordan Parrish)
17) Nobi Nakanishi (Deputy Ishida)
18) Amy L. Workman (Hikari Zhang)

People who worked on the film:
1) Russell Mulcahy (Director)
2) Edward R. Abroms (Editor)
3) Tyler Hoechlin (Producer)
4) David Daniel (Director of Photography)
5) Jeff Davis (Executive Producer)
6) Jeff Davis (Writer)
7) Anne Stuhler (Production Design)
8) Gregory Cusumano (Editor)