Qamoqxona (1989) uzbek tilida
Uzbek tilida online
- Kino nomi: Qamoqxona (1989)
- Joylandi: 26.10.2021
- Sifat: HD
- Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)
Kino tavsifi
Silvestr Stallone o'z davrida, Rembo va Rokki bo'lgan davrda ko'plab dushmanlar orttirdi. Lekin hech kim uni Dorumgul qamoqxonasi boshlig‘idek muammoga duchor qilmoqchi emasdi. Namunaviy mahbus Frenk Leone shafqatsiz va zukko Drumgoolning nishoniga aylanadi, u uni zarb bilan chirishni orzu qiladi.
Сильвестр Сталлоне нажил себе много врагов в свое время, когда был Рембо и Рокки. Но никто не желал ему столько неприятностей, как начальник тюрьмы Драмгул. Примерный зэк Фрэнк Леоне становится мишенью жестокого и изобретательного Драмгула, мечтающего сгноить его в тюряге.
Roles of actors:
1) Sylvester Stallone (Frank Leone)
2) Donald Sutherland (Warden Drumgoole)
3) John Amos (Captain Meissner)
4) Sonny Landham (Chink Weber)
5) Tom Sizemore (Dallas)
6) Frank McRae (Eclipse)
7) Darlanne Fluegel (Melissa)
8) William Allen Young (Braden)
9) Larry Romano (First Base)
10) Jordan Lund (Manly)
11) John Lilla (Wiley)
12) Dean Rader Duval (Ernie)
13) Jerry Strivelli (Louie Munafo)
14) David Anthony Marshall (Mastrone)
15) Kurek Ashley (Chink's Gang Member)
16) Michael Petroni (Chink's Gang Member)
17) Danny Trejo (Chink's Gang Member)
18) Frank D'Annibale (Guard)
19) Tony Lip (Guard)
20) Clarence Moore (Guard)
21) Joe Pentangelo (Guard)
22) Eli Rich (Guard)
23) Bo Rucker (Guard)
24) Randy Sandkuhl (Guard)
25) Robert Vazquez (Officer Vasquez)
26) Tony Munafo (Prisoner)
27) Frank Pesce (Johnson)
28) Troy Curvey Jr. (Prison Receptionist)
People who worked on the film:
1) Lawrence Gordon (Producer)
2) Jeb Stuart (Author)
3) Lloyd Levin (Producer)
4) Bernie Pollack (Costume Design)
5) Joy Todd (Casting)
6) Donald E. Thorin (Director of Photography)
7) Charles Gordon (Producer)
8) Bill Kenney (Production Design)
9) Bill Conti (Original Music Composer)
10) Robert A. Ferretti (Editor)
11) Michael N. Knue (Editor)
12) Michael S. Glick (Executive Producer)
13) Michael S. Glick (Unit Production Manager)
14) Joe Digaetano (Special Effects Coordinator)
15) George DeTitta Sr. (Set Decoration)
16) John Flynn (Director)
17) Adam Simon (Producer)
18) Frank Capra III (Second Assistant Director)
19) Don Brochu (Editor)
20) Henry Rosenbaum (Author)
21) Tony Munafo (Producer)
22) Barry B. Leirer (Editor)
23) Newt Arnold (First Assistant Director)
24) Colleen Callaghan (Hairstylist)
25) Gary Liddiard (Makeup Supervisor)
26) Janice Polley (Location Manager)
27) David Lux (Second Unit Director)
28) Kathryn Weygand (Script Supervisor)
29) David Sosna (First Assistant Director)
30) Nelson Cabrera (Second Assistant Director)
31) Richard Smith (Author)
32) Stephen A. Glanzrock (Second Assistant Director)
33) Tracy Rosenthal-Newsom (Second Assistant Director)
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