Apokalipsis: Osmon bo'ylab / Falokat Germaniya

Apokalipsis: Osmon bo'ylab / Falokat Germaniya uzbek tilida

Uzbek tilida online
IMDb: 4.1
1 Soat. 22 min.
  • Kino nomi: Apokalipsis: Osmon bo'ylab / Falokat Germaniya
  • Joylandi: 04.06.2024
  • Sifat: SD
  • Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)

Kino tavsifi
Apokalipsis: Osmon bo'ylab / Falokat Germaniya filmi Uzbek tilida O'zbekcha 2017 tarjima kino Full HD tas-ix skachat

Kichkina samolyotdagi besh do'st Nyu-Yorkdan Los-Anjelesga sayohat paytida sirli ravishda radio aloqasini yo'qotdi. Ular parvozni davom ettirar ekan, yerda katta falokat yuz bergan deb taxmin qilishga majbur bo‘lishadi. Ular qochib ketuvchi Erikni topadilar va u ularni hech qanday holatda qo'nmaslikka undaydi. Yoqilg'i tugashidan oldin ular haqiqatni aniqlashlari kerak.

Five friends on a small airplane mysteriously lose their radio connection on a trip from New York to LA. As they continue their flight, they're forced to assume that a major disaster happened on the ground. They discover a stowaway, Erik, who urges them not to land at any cost. Before they run out of fuel, they must find out the truth.

Roles of actors:
1) Scarlett Hefner (Lisa)
2) Gavin Stenhouse (Kyle)
3) Rick Cosnett (Matt)
4) Tyler Fayose (Odin)
5) Carla Carolina Pimentel (Roxy)
6) Morten Suurballe (Erik)
7) Lars Walther (Delivery Boy)

People who worked on the film:
1) Andrew Reich (Music)
2) Pana Costoglou (Cinematography)
3) Alex Tavakoli (Director)
4) Alex Tavakoli (Writer)
5) Alex Tavakoli (Producer)
6) Alex Oliver (Executive Producer)