  • Kino nomi: Qamal
  • Joylandi: 24.04.2023
  • Sifat: FullHD
  • Dublyaj: Professional (PRO)

Kino tavsifi
Qamal - Xalqaro suiqasdchi Uoker missiya paytida xavf ostida qoladi va yangi shaxsni aniqlash uchun qayta tayinlash markaziga yuboriladi. U muassasada bo'lganida, shafqatsiz hujum guruhi boshlig'i yo'qotgan odamni qidirib, binoga bostirib kiradi. Uoker tunda omon qolish uchun mohir qotil ayol Elda va uning sirli palatasi Juletta bilan qo'shilib ketadi.
International assassin Walker is compromised during a mission and sent to a reassignment center for a new identity. During his stay at the facility, a ruthless assault team storms the compound searching for someone their boss has lost. Walker begrudgingly falls in with skilled hitwoman Elda and her mysterious ward Juliet in order to survive the night.

Roles of actors:
1) Daniel Stisen (Walker)
3) Yennis Cheung (Juliet)
4) Byron Gibson (Big Deal)
5) Steven Blades (Reynard)
6) Samantha Schnitzler (Keates)
7) Michael Billington (Bates)
8) Michael Geary (Smithee)
9) Phillip Ray Tommy (Fisher)
10) Ali Gadema (Lovette)
12) Megan Lockhurst (Sarah)
13) Christine Mackie (Forge)

People who worked on the film:
1) Alan Latham (Producer)
2) Brad Watson (Director)
3) Brad Watson (Editor)
4) Tom Paton (Story)
5) James Oldham (Director of Photography)
6) Nicole Bartlett (Writer)